始于设计 - 专于体验 - 合于沟通 - 久于转化 - 终于口碑 !      16年高端网站建设、跨境电商独立站定制开发、300+专业技术,设计团队、国家高新技术企业


Wisee Tech is a manufacturer, in charge of exporting business of our factory " Rong Tian Shi ", that is well-known because of laser & IR speed dome cameras, specially the first laser IR speed dome camera was developed by us in China, more and more people know our advantage about night vision camera always show better performance than others. Our factory own experienced R & D team, as well as stable production department. Now we are changed to focus on develop IP camera and related products. Wisee tech is built for expand products range, not only security cameras, plus sport camera and home use devices.


网站类型: 外贸展示营销型
所属行业: 外贸网站建设
