始于设计 - 专于体验 - 合于沟通 - 久于转化 - 终于口碑 !      16年高端网站建设、跨境电商独立站定制开发、300+专业技术,设计团队、国家高新技术企业


LANSEA™ Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2008 as Standard Enterprises, Inc., a lighting retrofit design and contracting firm. The activities in this area led to the design and manufacturing of energy efficient exit lamps using miniature incandescent technology. A "new age in lighting" began for the company when it started employing LED technology in 2009 and expanding the product line for wide range of applications to customers worldwide. Our mission is to propose innovative LED lighting products that provide our customers cost-effective solutions in commercial and industrial applications. We will meet our customer's expectations by offering quality products and providing value-added technical support and customer service. We will operate the business with the highest ethical practices and treat our distributors, vendors, and associates with respect. Lighting, with its unique unifying spectrum, is an integral part of interior design. Whether your project is residential, co


网站类型: 外贸展示营销型
所属行业: 外贸网站建设
